In the beginning was a girl with very big dreams. Dreams to change her world, to make it a better place. As a child, she just had to show up and smile. Then as she grew and met her guy, she became a wife and then a mom, they made some humans. Several actually. Then she read them books. Lots and lots of books and realized within books were the keys to happiness. The keys to living a good life. The people who wrote books have changed culture, stories can change culture. They change the world. So she set out to make some herself and to serve the youngest of children by giving them books to build their lives upon. Books that create connections and help strengthen the bonds that make life worth living. This book is just the beginning and I am so very excited to share these books with the world. The world that keeps changing, right along with the stories within it. You are welcome to come join us on this journey of changing stories and culture. Creating a world we want to live in. Full of love and snuggles and lots of good books. You get to create your own story, you can set the foundation of love and care in your child’s life. In the process of giving your child that stable foundation, you are going to heal yourself. Because that’s what love does. It heals. It strengthens and it overflows from there. Welcome y’all, so glad you are here!

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