Yesterday was scary, I hear, or read, I haven’t watched tv. I’ve just read about it. People are concerned about our divided nation.

President Trump supporters are scared that the election results were filled with fraud. And no court will look at the evidence. Some are concerned we are heading towards socialism at best, communism ultimately.  Democrat supporters are worried about the violence portrayed in the media. And if civil war will break out. And if the virus will ravage the world because this crowd was huge!

Personally, I’ve been concerned that the general public just takes whatever is dished out to them at face value and doesn’t question why? And who is behind the media and why do they promote what they do?

But through this process I’ve had hope. Because I’m seeing a long term strategy play out in my visionary mind.

“The hand that rocks the cradle rules the world”

“Whomever teaches the children determines the future”-Harold Eberle

“Whoever wants to be great in my kingdom will serve the least of these”-Jesus

Every past kingdom that rules “top down” ends up failing. Jesus gave us another way. A kingdom that is within. That bows low. A king who serves. Who focused on the least. Not the powerful. This kingdom, will fill the earth. It started small. “But of the increase of His government and peace there will be no end.” So it is in fact growing as all other kingdoms are falling. Whether we believe it or not, it’s been happening for over 2,000 years.

This kingdom belongs to the children. Each generation is learning to serve them better. Our generation is on the verge of breakthrough.

We are learning how to become whole. There’s been a lot of brokenness, neglect, or control, pursuit of career, or just financial struggles to get by, and we’ve been learning from all of that. We are seeing and researching what it takes to be whole. To live whole-hearted connected lives. And we are giving that to our children.

The Information Age is here, we get to choose what we fill our minds with, what we learn. We can learn from any successful person who shares what they have acquired.

We can learn from each other.

And we are.

There is no stopping this kingdom from growing, the kingdom of love, peace and freedom. The kingdom that casts out fear.

“There are three things that will remain, faith, hope and love. The greatest of these is love.”

And love never fails.
If you want to be on the winning side-side with love.

When you snuggle your little ones today/tonight, take a moment to acknowledge that you are holding the future in your arms. You are a force for good in this world, you have no idea the impact one person will make. You are investing into their wholeness, their connectedness, their future. Our future. And collectively, if we do this. The future is definitely bright.






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