Years ago when my first baby was born, a nurse from Avera hospital,  signed us up for Dolly Parton’s imagination library. This cool program set up our baby to receive a new book every month for the first 3 years of life. I’m a gift love language gal, so I fell in love with the program and was overjoyed to receive the books each month. I realized that reading a good book to my little ones was one of my favorite moments of any day.

That started my quest to find good books for my kids. And because my little ones would wreck the pages of regular picture books, either ripped them or wet them with drool and wrecked them that way, I realized early on that board books were the only ones that would do.

So the search was on. I needed good illustrations for my own sake, I’m an artist and very visual, if the art sucked -the book was lame to me.

We didn’t have extra money to shop retail like Barnes and Nobles so I searched at the library and Once Upon a Child (my favorite store of all time). My collection started to grow. As I got money from my parents for birthday gifts or Christmas, that’s what I usually would do with it.

Finding a good board book, was like finding a treasure. Board books quickly became my favorite parenting tool. My favorite pastime. They were the key to extra snuggles and giggles and joy.

Board books are just a small thing, a piece of our journey to raising healthy connected kids who feel known and loved. As I grew as a mom, I realized what a treasure they were. Because they helped me enjoy the best parts of life, connecting to the little ones in that crazy season. They helped me to slow down, to find joy in the simplest of things. Good board books are a treasure worth searching for. Finding a way to connect with the littlest ones in our lives is pure joy. It brings healing and peace. The stuff money can’t buy. But it can buy books so 🤷🏻‍♀️

Here I am 16+ years later, and 7 babies later, deciding to create baby board books that people can treasure. I didn’t think there was enough. Especially for the earliest snugglers.

Black and white board books with high contrast that were cute and meaningful -pretty much didn’t exist, (well, I didn’t find any.) The visual stimulation of high contrast helps a baby’s visual development. So it was shocking to me and a nice challenge to fill this void. I’m so excited to start this journey of creating more board books that promote more connection and snuggles in this world. 

With love,

Becky Brunz

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