How does snuggle time affect your kids as they get bigger?
So if you know me, you know that I’m not just a mom of little ones, I have teenagers and little ones and all the in between ages. We have 7!

I asked for suggestions for this blog and a friend said she’d like to know how our lifestyle of snuggles affect the big kids.  Our birth order is 4 boys in a row, then 3 girls. So my boys are the teens. I have 2 now -16 and 14, and 2 boys approaching the teen years, 12 and 10. This blog will go deep, not a typical blog about parenting because I’m okay with raw ugly truth.

As a lifestyle reader, I’m always picking up on well-researched information, stuff that I translate into living a good life. An abundant life. One I want to live in.

Some of the topics I’ve read about are addiction, shame, vulnerability and connection. I’ve read several books from Bre’ne Brown, Danny Silk, and Kris Valloton. I’m learning about relationships, connection, and wholeness.

If you live in America or any 1st world country, you probably live in a sex crazed culture that often is saturated with porn/sex addictions.

My mom heart was broken by the cultural current of taking down young men in this perfect storm.

First, we have a culture that has most parents disconnected through long hours of work or busyness and distractions; and we have technology advancements that allows for the whole world of sexual exploitation of women at our (at our children’s) fingertips with just a few clicks.

So we have disconnected kids who are longing for connection.

What’s a mom to do to protect her sweet innocent boys? (and girls)

Here’s what I’ve read and experienced personally that should give you hope…

when children feel known, wanted, and have a sense of belonging, they aren’t as vulnerable to addiction.

So the very thing that is so precious, and so wonderful, holding our little ones close, is also so powerful to protect them from the pull of addiction.

Of course it’s not a guarantee. It’s just one way to be proactive as a parent. Connection is the way to wholeness. When you start your little ones off with that lifestyle of closeness and connection, it’s not awkward for them as they grow. It becomes their way of life. They reciprocate back to you, they ask or expect snuggles through their rough patches. And it’s easy to hold them now,to remember how little they were, how fast they grow, because it is habit. A well-established habit that  doesn’t feel awkward because I never stop as they get bigger.

How do snuggles affect my big kids? my answer.
A whole lot.

My kids will only know a life of connection, a life of closeness and care. I expect that to pass down to their families.

It’s all they know.

ps. If this blog was something you needed to hear/read, and you think someone else would benefit please share and comment, I’d love to know your thoughts. And please let me know any suggestions for future posts. 😊

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